Cancelling or Freezing Memberships


How can I cancel my reoccurring membership?

We hate to see you go, but if you must, the process is easy! You can fill out a cancellation form by visiting the salon and submitting the written 30 days notice. Memberships can't unfortunately, be cancelled by email or phone. Please remember that your cancellation request is subject to any obligations of your membership agreement. A tanning consultant will be able to review the terms of your membership agreement and answer any questions you have.

How can I freeze my membership?

Our freeze option allows you to put your membership on a freeze status for up to 3 months, securing your current membership pricing. During that time, we will bill your Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) account a low monthly fee. You are eligible for our freeze option if you have completed the minimum (3) months of the contract. You can freeze your account by visiting us in store and filling out our freeze form by the 20th of the month prior to the next draft.

Can I still come in and tan while on a freeze?

Yes, you can come in and enjoy any package we offer - that’s if you don't want to unfreeze your membership yet.